This month we have enjoyed giving you a look into our organization and the “People behind the Project” as we celebrated National Engineering Month in Canada - #NEM2016.
Matt Oldewening, WDBA Project Manager
To wrap up our series profiling members of our engineering team, we would like to introduce you to Matt Oldewening a 20-year veteran in this field. Mr. Oldewening graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in civil engineering with an environmental engineering option. Prior to joining WDBA as a Project Manager working on Early Works, he was the technical lead for the detailed geotechnical investigation and a geotechnical designer for the permanent cuts and the trail bridges for the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway at Amec Environment and Infrastructure.

When ask what led him to choose engineering as his career choice he had this to say, “Part of what drew me to civil engineering was an interest in architecture, so it’s a little funny that the expertise I’ve gained over the years has focused on foundations and below-ground infrastructure that are mostly unseen and un-thought of. It’s kind of nice to be part of such a highly visible project.”  As an experienced engineer with both field work and project management skills our engineers–in-training look to him for advice and guidance and this is the advice he has for them and those entering into the field “as you move through your career, work hard, make friends, and accept new challenges as they come.”

See Matt talk about the installation of exclusion fencing as part of Early Works and its importance here This is some of the work that you will see taking place at the site currently.

WDBA takes pride in the talent and knowledge of the team working to deliver the Gordie Howe International Bridge and we look forward to profiling more of our employees in future stories.